
Ad astra per aspera.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Updates, Happy Christmas, and so on...

Wow, I just noticed that it's been quite a while since I last posted anything here. I bet you all were wondering where I have run off to? Well, work does that to one. It takes them away from the things that they once enjoyed, yes? Well...blogging seems to be low on my priority list. Although, I suppose it shouldn't be so far down, no? It releases...but lately, I've had another outlet for all my fears, hopes, dreams, and tears to pour into. And I love that so very much. It's been a while I suppose I could say since I've had my BEST FRIEND. I've had what I considered a best friend, but really, I don't think I've been able to share as much with her as I have with this person. If she's reading this, I want you to know, my dear, that even though we didn't speak for the longest time, I believe it strengthened our friendship.

Yes, that's right. *smiles* I appreciate you in my life.

Work...wow. I've gotten at least about 35 or 36 hours-Idk what my check will look like, but on Christmas Eve we had to flood our kitchen, and for those of you who have never worked in a fast food-restaurant, it means we lay down our sani-rags on the floor between the kitchen and the dinning room and literally hose the floor down and sincerely make it FLOODED. And then we take these giant squigies and brooms with bristles and push the water into the drain. It's a wet mess, it really is. So, I got my feet wet. And my socks were wet. I was late for Dirty Santa [But I still got the envelope with $10. :)]. But I can't wait for my check. My friend and I are planning on going to a movie next Sunday-we REALLY WANT TO. :) Cause we haven't hung out outside of work other than the other day when she took me for my first eyebrow waxing. :) I really enjoy this.

Christmas. Wow. Well, Shane's great great grandma is in the old folks' home, and we got a call this morning that they were calling the family in. We spent from 10:30-4pm there, then we brought the baby home so he could get in some sleepy clothes and some warm bottle. We did that, then the in-laws came back home at 9 so we could open our gifts and they left at 10...they're still there. She got better this afternoon, but she took a turn for the worse at about 6, and her blood pressure is dropping-it won't be long. But we think that she would've wanted this-to die on Christmas or the day after-it was her favorite holiday. She looked like a mere pile of skin and bones laying there, but I suppose cancer does that to one. *SIGH* Cancer. That word seems to take all the people I grow to admire away. Please, if you are out there, and I admire you, I don't want you to die of cancer, I don't want to remember you like that. It's painful to think about.

But for Christmas, I got the fifth HP movie, the 3rd PoTC movie, an iPod Nano, a gift basket from Bath & Body works, some sleepy pants (I love sleepy pants), a PostSecret book, and my journal. My journal. God, that sounds amazing. It's more like a giant black book one would find on an old-fashioned book case. Who knows, one of these days, maybe you'll own it. I'm seriously considering writing my story in it. Just because that's what it reminds me of. A story book. I suppose in many ways, it will be a story book. My story book.

My son made a killing this Christmas. He's now officially 9 mos old. And he got some clothes, and a billion toys. Kids are blessings, spoil them while you can.

My grandmother got me a satin bedset, a fleece blanket from New Mexico, and candles. I do love that woman, and I miss her more than anything.

Well, just thought you all deserved an update. I love you all.

Feliz Navidad.



  • At December 28, 2007 at 9:06 AM , Blogger Babette said...

    Christmas greetings to you and yours! Kids ARE blessings! And you are a blessing to all who know you. I'm glad to hear about your best friend.

    You need a fine pen to match your journal, n'est-ce pas?

  • At December 28, 2007 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Gail said...

    It sounds like the Holidays were good to you. I know what you mean about best friends. They are just the, you know, just the best thing ever.
    Hey, I was just up in your neck of the woods this week. My husband grew up in Brookston, a little town outside of Lafayette. We didn't have any Steak and Shake but we did indulge with some Pizza King. YUM!

  • At January 20, 2008 at 5:16 PM , Blogger Babette said...

    I saw your comments at Jane's place today. You, my dear, are a jewel! Hugs to you and your dear little family!!!


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